Sunday, November 12, 2006


"Clearly some countries that had said nuclear will not happen are now speaking again about nuclear,"
Claude Mandil, executive director of IEA

The International Energy Agency [IEA] has called for governments to build more nuclear plants to increase energy security and slow climate change.
"The energy future we are facing today ... is doomed to failure," Claude Mandil, executive director of the energy adviser to 26 industrialised nations, told a news conference on Tuesday.

"We don't see how we can avoid [nuclear power] if we want a sustainable long-term future," Mandil said.

In its annual World Energy outlook, the IEA published a 596-page response to a G8 call for a sustainable energy blueprint.

The agency said unless leaders took action world demand for fossil fuels would rise by more than 50 per cent, along with carbon emissions.

By 2030, oil could soar to more than $130 a barrel if energy investment and government policies fall short, IEA said.

Energy conservation and investment in nuclear power could cut consumption by 10 per cent by 2030, equivalent to China's energy use today, the agency said.

Carbon emissions would drop by 16 per cent - what the United States and Canada emit between them if more nuclear power stations are built, the agency said.

"The economics have moved in nuclear power's favour," the Paris-based IEA wrote in the report.

"Nuclear power offers considerable advantages in terms of avoiding greenhouse-gas emissions and of energy security.

What we can say now? Iran have or not right to build your own nuclear plants? What moral the “Civilized Nations” have for refuse the will of Iran liders and blocking this kink of resources for Iran people??


Ahlka said...

Na adolescência convenceram-me que o nuclear era o melhor.
Hoje, já não sei... :(

PS. Perdeste a tua password?..Queijo a mais? :)

jotaeme said...

Alka: O que se passa é que com esta coisa do "Blogger" versão Beta, quando quero respondera comentários noutros blogs o próprio sistema do Blogger" ainda não permite! Coisa de loucos! Então respondo como anónimo e pimba!
Quanto á energia nuclear, eu tb. pensava como tu, mas agora estou um pouco dividido!Claro que é uma energia que requer muito cuidado e competência, mas no caminho que levamos em relação ao ambiente e completamente dependentes do petróleo, estou inclinado adizer sim!